2014(e)ko abenduaren 15(a), astelehena

The stereotypes of people from Basque Country

The stereotypes of people from Basque Country

Juan José Angulo de la Calle

There are many topics about the Basque people. For example, many people in the Kingdom of Spain say that Basque people are arrogant and this is quite true because we usually tell histories about our great capacities. Besides, a popular stereotype of the Basque people is that we are party animals and also this is true, here people often go to the parties at weekends.

On the other hand, there are stereotypes that are false. It is said that we are very strong people, but only folkloric sport-people are so strong. Apart from that, there are people who say that we are unfriendly but that is not true, we are usually serious with unknown people, but we are not unfriendly.

In conclusion, there are stereotypes that have got a relationship with the reality, they are true; but most of them are exaggerations of us, and, therefore, they are wrong. So there is not a good knowledge about us in the world.

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